Postfix — The Mail Transfer Agent | Installation and Configuration on Debian and Ubuntu Server
The Electronic Postman — Just like mail, email also has a postman. Mail Transfer Agent is software that functions to sort and send emails to the destination computer with a simple mail transfer protocol.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the standard protocol generally used for sending email. So what is Postfix?, Postfix is Mail Transfer Agent.
Before installation make sure the system is updated and has user privileges.
Installing Postfix
apt install postfix
The configuration file is located in the /etc/postfix/ directory; The main configuration file for Postfix is located in /etc/postfix/
When the Postfix installation process is complete we will be faced with the setup configuration. I’m assuming that you did the default setting by simply confirming yes to each configuration setting.
SSL configuration for Postfix.
Standard snake oil certificate
apt install openssl ssl-cert
Generate a self-signed SSL certificate, for example, we will generate a self-signed SSL certificate with a 2048-bit RSA key and will store it with a self-signed name.
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/self-signed.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/self-signed.crt
Customize configuration
nano /etc/postfix/
Configure to use a self-signed SSL certificate
Change the hostname and domain of the mail server; for example, we will declare as the hostname and as the domain.
hostname =
mydomain =
Change the home mailbox directory and set a size limit; for example, we will declare ~/mailbox as home mailbox and set the size to 512M per user.
home_mailbox = mailbox/
mailbox_size_limit = 51200000
A trusted remote SMTP server that can relay through the server.
Change network. For example, we will use a local network; it is important to only use local network addresses to avoid unauthorized users from using your mail server.
mynetworks =, [2001:ABC:FE::]/64
Test the results, for example, the server gets the ip address
Connect with clients
nc 25
Sending a test mail.
helo test
mail from: <>
rcpt to: <root>
subject: test
test mail server